Thinking about retirement makes me think about my parents. My parents are getting to the age where they could be retiring soon. My dad has spent most of his life running a coffee shop / snack bar in state office buildings in Rhode Island. He regularly gets up around 4am and usually ends his work day around 4pm. He absolutely loves his job and says he never wants to quit. He enjoys talking to the customers, and he knows almost all of them by name from the sound of their voice (he’s blind). My mom, on the other hand, wants to retire as soon as possible. She’s been delivering mail for the USPS for most of her life, and it has been taking a toll on her body. She slips on the ice and falls down almost every winter now, and climbing stairs with a sack full of mail is becoming more difficult every day. I’m really thankful for how hard they’ve worked and for the work ethic they’ve instilled in me and my siblings. Maybe it’s time they take a break and retire.
But what would they do after they retire? I’m not too sure.
I don’t spend too much time with the elderly, but here’s how I imagine a lot of them spend their time:
- playing golf
- gambling at the casino
- going on cruises
- waking up early and meeting friends for breakfast
- continuing to work
- living in a nursing home
- watching TV
Let’s get back on topic. Is retirement bad for your health?
I give credit to Mr. 1500’s post as my motivation for writing/researching about possible drawbacks to retirement. At one point, his parents got into a cycle of Eat/TV/Sleep/Repeat, and their health began to deteriorate. They’ve since changed their lifestyle and things have improved. Being relatively young, I’ve always thought that getting to the point where I wouldn’t have to work anymore would be awesome. But maybe I’m wrong. Let’s explore some drawbacks to retirement.
Higher risk of heart attack. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health looked at rates of heart attack and stroke among men and women in the ongoing U.S. Health and Retirement Study and found that those who had retired were 40% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those who were still working, with the increase being more pronounced during the first year after retirement and leveling off after that. The paper describes retirement as a “life course transition involving environmental changes that reshape health behaviors, social interactions, and psychosocial stresses” that also brings shifts in identity and preferences. Some people make a smooth transition into retirement while others don’t. In fact, retirement is ranked as 10th on the list of life’s 43 most stressful events (1 and 2 are death of spouse and divorce, respectively).
Increased risk of depression and taking medication. Another study found that retirement affects people in the following ways:
- reduces a person’s likelihood of being in excellent or very good health by approximately 40% (self assessed)
- raises the risk of developing clinical depression by about 40%
- raises the risk of developing at least one diagnosed physical condition by approximately 60%
- raises the risk of taking medication for that diagnosed condition by about 60%
Loneliness. Working usually meant getting out of the house every day and seeing people. If your social life was tied up with your work, retirement can take it all away. Without forging a social network, retirees can get lonely, and this can affect both their mental and physical health.
Immobility and Inactivity. Without something forcing people to get up and out the house, there may not be anything causing a retiree to be active and mobile. Again, a sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental to both your physical and mental health.
Lack of purpose. Without anything to do, the days can seem very long and life can feel meaningless. Having something to do, even if it’s not the most enjoyable thing, can give people purpose where retirement may take that away.
Stress. In addition to retirement potentially being detrimental to your health, other factors may cause additional stress that affect your health as well. For example, if your spouse doesn’t want to retire at the same time or if you misjudged your financial situation and have to go back to work, you may experience additional stress.
So what can we do to make retirement better and more enjoyable?
Establish a social network. You may lose your social network at work. Establishing a new social network will have positive benefits to your mental and physical health.
Keep learning. Use it or lose it. Your mind needs to stay active to keep your brain healthy. Keep reading books, take classes, or pick up a new hobby. Learning should be a lifelong activity.
Get out and play. Sitting in the house all day can make the days feel dreadfully long. Get out and do something active or meet with people. Volunteering or getting involved in different activities with others can help establish new friendships and reinforce old ones.
Be creative. Try something you’ve never tried before or have always wanted to do. This will also keep your brain healthy, and you may discover something new about yourself as well.
What did I take away from all this?
Exploring the topic of life after retirement has been an interesting learning experience. I feel that there is a huge difference between early retirement and financial independence. Early retirement to me means quitting my day job and not working anymore. Financial independence to me is not having to work for money but being open to working if I want to. My goal still is to be financially independent by 20252020, but I realize that making early retirement purposeful and enjoyable will take a lot more thinking and reflecting. I think I will still continue to work at something, but it will be because I want to and not because I have to. I thought about some things I want to do after I achieve financial independence. This list may and will probably evolve, but here are some of them:
- possibly continue working at the USPTO in a part-time status
- visit all the national parks with my family
- teach my son how to play baseball and tennis and other sports
- go hiking with my family
- train for an Ironman triathlon
- cook more and eat healthier
- read at least 1 book every month
- help feed the homeless
- continue blogging about personal finance
- help people get out of debt
- go to law school (maybe?)
- send my wife to art/design school if she still wants to go
Hopefully, that should keep me busy enough. If we have more kids, I’m sure that will take up a good chunk of time as well. What I’ve taken away from all this is that, like many things in life, retirement will only be what we make of it. It can be good or bad, but that will all depend on the choices we make now and the choices we make later.
What are some things you’d like to do when you retire?
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Hey Frugalee, thanks for the mention! And hot damn, I think you nailed it from here on out:
“Exploring the topic of life after retirement has been an interesting learning experience. I feel that there is a huge difference between early retirement and financial independence. ”
Finding meaningful activity post “40 hour work-week” is absolutely key. You must have a plan and can’t retire to nothing.
I see my retirement as an expansion on my current free time: I love to read, but only get about an hour a day to open books now. I love to exercise, but I’m lucky if I can squeeze 4 hours in per week. I love tinkering with electronics and mechanical things, but I have 0 time for that now.
In retirement, I see myself reading for at least 3 hours per day, exercising every day and doing all kinds of mad scientist stuff in the garage. I know you’re all the way on the East Coast, but if you see the sky light up to the West… well never mind.
Even all of that isn’t enough though. For me at least, I probably still need a core, meaningful activity. I suspect that this will take the form of writing code for 20 hours per week. It gives the brain a good workout, I enjoy it, but most of all, I get a huge sense of accomplishment from it.
PS: When you make it out to Rocky Mountain National Park, let’s go on a hike!
Thanks for the comment, Mr. 1500!. I’m starting to realize more and more that retiring in itself really isn’t the answer to anything. I will definitely have to find activities that keep me engaged and my mind active.
By the way, I really enjoyed the interview of you and Mrs. 1500 with the Mad Fientist on his Financial Independence podcast. You guys sounds like very cool people.
I hit up Rocky Mountain National Park during my bachelor party about 4 years ago, but it was only for a day. Next time I’m out there, I’ll let you know and we can go for a hike!
RMNP for a bachelor party! I’m not half as cool as that!
Thanks for the kind comments regarding the Mad FIentist podcast. That was a lot of fun and we were really nervous, but had a great time. I should say that Brandon and I were nervous. The wife seems to fear nothing*.
Speaking of cool people, I know it’s a long trip from your neck of the woods, but FinCon (San Diego this year) is loads of fun. Where else do you get to hang out with hundreds of like minded people? If you’re serious about blogging,I highly recommend it.
*Except spiders. She more than makes up for it there!
nice post. It is definitely something to think about. I feel you have to have interests in your life other than work for retiring. Work to live, not live to work. It is an interesting problem and one I hope to try :-). Good luck and keep plugging along!
I totally agree. Work is a means to an end, and for most people, there are more important things in life like having time for family and friends and other relationships. Thanks for the comment!
Retirement before 50 sounds like a dream. I think you’d really have to live a simple lifestyle, and if you’re married, usually one partner wants to live life to the fullest ($$$). Good luck.
Thanks for the comment. You’re right that in most marriages, there is one saver and one spender, but I think if both people can get on the same page about a goal and work together, anything is possible. Congrats on matching in anesthiology today!
Mr. 1500 is absolutely right. You have absolutely nailed the realities of retirement, early or otherwise, with this post. We are on our Encore Voyage (that’s what we call this “too early to be really retired gig) and have found each of your takeaways to be absolutely correct. But retirement doesn’t need to be scary, boring or lonely if people will follow your advice! Great post!