Net Worth Update #61: March 2021

Here’s net worth update #61.

We had a pretty big jump in net worth this month. Here’s why. I had given conservative estimates for the valuation of the houses we own, but I increased the valuation to be more in line with the current real estate market (super hot). I also closed a little over $3M in real estate sales in February and used some of the commissions to pay down one of the mortgages a bit.

If you look below, I included a couple extra months in addition to the trailing twelve months (TTM). It’s been a year since the COVID-19, and you can see how the markets caused a huge decrease in net worth in March 2020. Since then, I’ve had my busiest year in real estate, real estate values have gone up, and the stock market has rebounded. That’s the reason for the huge difference between March 2020 and March 2021 ($677k to $971k).

My parents moved down to Virginia from Rhode Island a few months ago. I don’t think I’d be able to handle all my real estate clients (and keep my wife somewhat happy and sane) without their help with childcare. It’s life-changing. We definitely struggled when we were both working full-time even with just one kid. Now, my wife is a SAHM (stay-at-home mom) AND we have help. It’s a world of difference with grandparents helping. To those parents still managing it on their own without any help, kudos to you. I know it’s not easy.

It’s been another busy month in real estate, so I need to get back to work and catch up on the government job and reading for class as well. This will be a short post.

It looks like we may be able to hit the $1M later this year.

As always, thanks for following along!

DateHome equityInvestmentsCashNet Worth
Note the difference between March 2020 and March 2021 (COVID crash and rebound)

Photo credit: Pixabay

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